Saturday, December 31, 2022

December '22 Reading Round Up

Happy New Year! I’m writing this from the awe inspiring Santa Fe, New Mexico where rolling mountains and snow capped peaks dare you to not be amazed. A roaring fire crackles nearby, my diva angel feisty light being terrier sits at my feet and all is perfect. What has not been perfect are some of the books that made it to my La-Z-Boy this month. Oy vey as they say.

I finished ‘Dark Spaces: Wildfire #5’ and it was a dud of an ending. I think I need to view Scott Snyder as that player who had an amazing Rookie Season (Court of Owls) but who has scuffled ever since in trying to recapture that magic.  Got through another issue of Old Dog which was solid but nothing to spew extensive words about. I love me some Declan Shalvey so I’m not going anywhere.

Glad that everyone’s been checking out my ‘Best Comics of 2022’ posts. You can pop over to it here:

Best Comic Books of 2022

Here what filled my eyes and mind with comicy stuff this past month:

King Conan #1-6

Once Upon a Time at the End of the World #1

Ninja Funk #1

Old Ghoul #2

Kroma #1

Ronin Book II #1

MiracleMan: Silver Age #2

Daredevil #5

What’s the Furthest Place from Here #8

Lots of amayyyzing new books coming out this year and just picked up my December haul with copious amounts of gems. Thanks for checking out the page. Share it at will. Wishing you and yours the best for 2023.

- Issac

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