Sunday, April 2, 2023

March '23 Reading Round Up



It's a beautiful pristine sunny day in La La Land and I'm off to grab my Comic Pulls from my LCS with the little princess. Before I do, here's a quick rundown of my March Sequential Art fix including a bunch of issues that didn't get the full blog posteroo treatment. 


Spy Superb #2 was okay. It just feels corny. Like, I get that Kindt is going for this ‘Narcissistic Loser outwits International Super Spies’ thing but it’s a one note gimmick, not a story. It definitely does not have the gravitas, stakes and whirlwind excitement that his original Mind MGMT series had which was absolutely fantastic. Since this is one of the new fads, a 3 issue expensive prestige/extra page count series, I’m almost obligated to get issue 3 to complete the story which is genius from a marketing standpoint but depressing from a consumer standpoint. Hook ‘em issue one, drop trash issue 2, tie things up in a bow issue 3 to make them feel like it wasn’t a waste of money, 25 buckaroos in our pockets: genius. C’mon Kindt. Your past two mini seriouslies have been wack, come wit tha bidness next outing, you’re on my stink eye list.


The second installment of Black Cloak was decent enough. Kelly Thompson is crafting a solid enough murder mystery which is heightened by the fact that she’s put it in a completely bonkers wackadoodle fantasy world that nobody’s ever conceived of before. Yeah, I’ll tag along to see who killed a royal Elf and a Mermaid and what happens with your Interracial Lesbian Cop Love story. Ya think that’s what got Image hooked in the pitch or what?



Kelly: It’s a world of Elves and Mermaids and a diverse anthropomorphic police station.


Image: Mmm hmm.


Kelly: There’s magic and…and wings that sprout from the back from our main Detective. There’s a wonderfully intricate architectural world of stairs and beaches and –


Image: Yeah, uh huh.


Kelly: -


Kelly: There’s an interracial Lesbian Cop Love Affair.


Image: Sold!



Avengers War Across Time is like a classic car that you take out on the weekends. It’s simple.  It runs great with no frills, and gets you where you need to go in style. It’s made of real materials that won’t fall apart if it’s hit unlike today’s vehicles which are made of fiberglass, plastic and cheap computer parts. Marvel, I think you need to go backward more before you go forward. Your comics today are cheap pieces of junk that fall apart in our minds. Your original formula is infallible and will stand the test of time. Write from there, enough with whatever it is you’re doing these days; it’s blecchy. Maybe Paul Levitz needs to run your comic book division instead of being tied up in a retro basement.


Saga is like that slice of pizza you get at that hole in the wall joint in the middle of nowhere. It's perfectly done, never disappoints and is there for you when you need the comfort. Thanks Saga.


Here's what I got into last month:


Miracleman: Silver Age #4


Monstress #43 

What's the Furthest Place from Here #11


Daredevil #8 

Batman: Beyond the White Knight #8


All Night & Every Day 

Red Zone #1


Phantom Road #1 

That's it! I'm off into the wide blue yonder. I heard the points for hitting mentally deranged vagabonds that wander around crosswalks with your car have been upped to 50 points each. I'm totally going for a record this Sunday, wish me luck!

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