Monday, July 31, 2023

July '23 Reading Round Up

The Bear. Wow. Have you watched it? Have you inhaled it like me? It was a bit of a slow burn as far as wow factor. The first several episodes stressed me the fuck out. I was worrying for hours after each episode ‘Shit, where are all the invoices, fire the mortadella capadella barbarella, fire all of them, where’s Jimmy? Richie shut the fuck up, Cousin, Cousin COUSIN!’ and my doggie would look at me like I was crazier than my regular crazy. Then I’d tell her to fire all the chickens and put some duct tape over our oven just in case. Once it hit its stride in the 1st season the second season became gold, episode after gold episode, like, must watch/TV for the ages type shit. You love everybody, you care about everything and every detail of this restaurant. You root for everyone and you cry in places you never thought you would. That is art my friends. That is all we can truly ask for, something that moves us and makes us pine for more. 

If you’re not watching ‘The Bear’ and you actually like good TV then I cannot recommend it more highly, it is a transcendent series and the best thing I’ve seen all year. 

Yes, this is a comic book blog but we still wish for the same things in our comic books: something that moves us, something that makes our eyes pop when we see the next issue come up on the monthly solicits, something that we think about for hours after we put it down. Have there been any books like that so far this year? I feel like last year was chock full of wow, month after month, this year? I’m dropping issues like insta is dropping followers from me on the daily for telling everybody the truth about every and anything. I’m dropping issues like the DOJ is dropping charges against Prince Crackhead. I'm dropping issues like the 'unhoused who don't have homes' be dropping poop all over Cali. What happened to all the Black Label goodies? Where’s Matt Fraction when you need him??? Dude, Fraction needs to come on the scene like Galactus with a strap-on and anal beads dangling from his butt and just put out a series to shut the world up.

I am ridiculously excited for the Conan book that drops this week, fingers crossed and Jewish starred. I just pulled a bunch of first issues that I picked up last week. A couple new ones this week, I'm tryin' people, jeez! 

Maybe I'm cranky cuz another Comic Con has come and gone, another year that I wasn't there. Another year where I see randos and friends of mine who haven't bought a comic in decades taking selfies at Comic Con like they were hanging out in front of a Carl's Jr. Seriously, there should be a written test, no multiple choice, in front of the Comic Con where you are asked all sorts of ridiculously hard comic book trivia. If you answer 85% or more you get to buy a ticket and go in. Or better yet, I should be able to walk up to the doors and show them my 'ComicsPriceGuide' account where it clearly displays the fact that I own over 5,000 comic books, 'Oh you're a comic geek, right this way nerdus dorkaroonus'.

Sigh. Anyway, this is what I got into this past month:

Deep cuts is a wonderful series. Each book is a vignette that pulls you in and keeps your attention. The second issue revolved around the story of a Broadway type gal looking for that big hit that sends her to the stars and back. There's even a page of sheet music in the back that supposedly is her tune. I was all set to actually figure it out and drop an audio track here for you guys of what the song sounds like but I'm too busy banging my head on the keys of my piano figuring out Beethoven's Fur Elise, so, yeah, no ragtime type ish to give you.  
I was little confused as to why the chick on the cover looks like Rosario Dawson but the chick in the book that the story was written about is some alabaster skinned blonde with curly hair. Umm, like, what, we can't even have Blondes on comic book covers now? Man, it is tough being a blonde chick these days. 


Phantom Road. I mean, this has TV show written all over it. Actually, everythingLemire touches has TV show written all over it. Why isn't there a direct line from Lemire's room in his house where he draws all this stuff, to Image, to my TV for 6-8 episodes every couple of months. There's nothing unbelievable about this series but he's just so fucking good at hooking you that you have to find out where it goes, and most of the time it's worth it. Maybe I need to put that on my Dating App Profile: Must rock dates and relationships like Jeff Lemire rocks comic book concepts. That would at least get the girls who don't reply to me at all to delete me from their like list which would prove to me they were either alive or that it was AI teaching me a lesson about making bad dating profiles.I dunno AI, why not just get me into comic con so I can meet my Lemire babe? Fuckin AI, useless.

Something Epic's second installment was, hmm, I dunno, Something Really Good, but not epic. Can’t really put my finger on why other than the fact that the lengthy exposition seemed to drift more into standard idioms and extensive soliloquy rather than getting deeper into the story. Also, felt like this issue got even drearier and darker than the first one which is understandable given the health reveal of the Mom. There was an interesting intersection between the world of imagination and that of reality but other than that it seemed more of a set-up for what’s to come which is fine by me, after that stellar first issue this series has enough capital to keep me around for several months. C'mon Epic, I'm betting on you like I'm betting on a Porsche when I pull up to a light and have to choose between it and another car. Douchebags love to peel out when it turns green. 

Do people still say peel out? Well, I do.

I had high hopes for this book, really high hopes. But it devolved into some cheesy Cartoon Network/Adult Swim hooey that's big on colors and bold lines but slim on a captivating story. Yeah, I'm not paying 30 bux more to find out if I’m gonna end up feeling upset or deeply troubled about having continued to have purchased these 8 dollar issues. It's pretty to look at. However, when you live in LA for as long as I have you realize pretty to look at today very likely means trouble and a door slam in your grill tomorrow. I mean, look at the cover. If that punch in the grill isn't a portent of things to come then I don't know portents. That's one major fucking portent. Yeah, drop this issue like Kendall Jenner drops toxic cosmetic lines.

 Do people still say grill? Like, all up in yo grill?

Well I do.

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