Tuesday, February 28, 2023

February '23 Reading Round Up


It's raining uhhhgain tonight in La La Land. Unbelievable. It says this is the last one for a while but my goodness it's been a muddy floody soak fest here. I saw a funny post by someone where it said something to the effect that he's paying SoCal rent prices for SoCal weather not Midwest winter weather, amen brotha, amen. It does make for cozy comic reading and this month was a lot of hit or miss. Here's a couple that won't be getting yanked by me anymore:

Once Upon at the End of the World has become a "Once Again I’m Dropping a Boom Book". My goodness this series turned to drivel with a quickness after such a promising first issue. I don’t think Jason Aaron has a grasp on what the tone of his story is: gruesome, cutesy, rugged, dark, violent, coming of age, terrifying, apocalyptic. Yeah, all these elements don’t really work well together, it’s a jumbo gumbo of no yumbo. Also, the love that is supposedly burgeoning between our two main characters seems placed in the wrong story. That and I just took in a few panels of rats devouring a kid and his dog which was followed up by these wackos in gas masks carrying some elderly chick in a veil in a palanquin who then skinned the puppy for its pelt. Yeah, I’m done. Also, the whole logistics of this pre pubescent weak teen carrying a back pack three times his height filled with scads of electronics and doo dads while casually walking through miles and miles of seared garbage earth rankles the very core of my ‘that shit is not feasible nor possible’ sensibility. Buh bye.


The third installment of Kroma was a sight to behold. Lorenzo De Felici drew the hell out of this issue and the color palettes are beautiful. The story also became more focused after it muddled through the second issue. One issue left in this mini-series (isn’t everything these days technically a mini series?) and I’m really looking forward to it. Old Dog by Declan Salvey has gotten…mnyeh. It looks astounding but the story is a little rag tag. It's basically just an old dad running around with his daughter killing people with no real threat to their lives. There’s an intel outfit called ‘The Black Circle’ which is whatever whatever. Next issue doesn’t come out until May so we’ll see where I’m at but right now I’m letting that Old Dog Beat drrrropppp!


Here's what I got into this past month:


It's Lonely at the Centre of the Earth (TP) 

Chicken Devils #2

Monstress #42


Saga #61 

Black Cloak #1

Parker Girls #3-4


Avengers: War Across Time #1 

Spy Superb #1

I only pulled eleven comics in February! That's my lowest pull since there were no comics at all back in April and May of 2020 and my lowest pull of an actual month since 2011; that's 12 years ago! March has a bunch of new #1s coming out including a Jeff Lemire offering and another Scott Snyder 3 issue drop which I hate to admit looks really good. I want to love more of you Comic Book Universe, let's get back on the horse and pop out the genius! Anyway, I've gotta do a bunch of stretches before I get in my rowboat to go to the gym. If I don't my shoulders get sore and I've got to whack at least a dozen homeless zombies on the way there which takes a lot of energy.

Happy Reading!

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