Saturday, October 15, 2022



Hollywood has become the land of sequels. The land of go with what you know. If it’s worked before it’ll work again and if it doesn’t work it doesn’t matter because people will spend their money on it to see if it worked or to complain that it stopped working. I get it, I mean, if millions of dollars are on the line and you’re paying for it you want to get a return on investment; cocaine on yachts with Girlfriend Experience Hookers that whisper ‘you’re huge, make Godfather 4 and 5 baby’ are very pricy from what I hear.


Comics aren’t the land of sequels so much as they are the pages of  ‘Ho’ing around’. Batman be ho’ing around lots of books. Put his bat ass here his bat ass there, team him up with that bat lookin’ ass and get asses that say they part of his ass family in a bunch of shit too. Marvel is so hoey with its characters they’ll put them together with each other in as many combinations as they can think of and say ‘story shmory look at deze hos!’. However, publishers that aren’t hero driven aren’t so quick to double up storylines or titles. They will but it’s not so egregious.


Mind MGMT Bootleg feels a little like one of dem hos. I don’t understand why it’s being written. Look, I loovvvvved Mind MGMT the original series; frikkin awesome stuff. So when I saw this in the solicits I got psyched but I was a bit curious about the limited series constraints. Why just 4 issues? Why not get it going again. The concept and set-up of the first issue was great and had me hooked but now as there’s just one issue left in the run, again I’m asking, what was the point?


Is it just to hype up the board game? The final issue has an option where you can get the variant that gives you an exclusive card for the game, hmm. Board game is selling for 60 bux, so again was this just a hype train choo choo to get you to buy a board game for that comic geek for Christmasanukkanza? Seems like it a bit. Did Matt Kindt approach Dark Horse and say hey I wanna reboot the series and they said ‘we stopped doing cocaine and swore of the GFEs so we’re not in need of copious amounts of cash but we have this idea for a board game…’


The opening of this issue is wildly fun and eye popping with The Eraser going up against Meru. After that it’s back to these kids that have been totally underdeveloped as characters and now there’s a reveal of a super villain called Mr. Hide that they’ve been tasked to take down. Their super psychic powers are then enhanced by the Chuck Norrisy character by them eating a crap ton of bubble gum. The back of the issue has a tongue-in-cheek script for the Mind MGMT TV Pilot and then there’s the added back story of this babe who looks like Batgirl that can kill people by whispering certain words in their ears (can I send her to Marvel Corporate’s weekly pow wow meetings?)


I dunno, it all feels too rushed and a bit too gimmicky. Why is it called Bootleg? A bootleg to me is a recording of a concert that you shouldn’t have. I have dozens upon dozens of Prince bootlegs. So is this a comic book I shouldn’t have? It feels like it. Like, I shouldn’t have pulled it but there was no way I wasn’t because it worked before and obviously I was going to see if it worked again and if it didn’t I was going to complain about…wait…dammit they got me.


Rating: 7.7

Verdict: Pull, like I have a choice at this point

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