Wednesday, October 26, 2022



Have you ever been with someone, got into a fight, went your separate ways, banged someone else, got bored, yearned for the one you fought with and then got back together with them? Of course you have. That’s what everybody does, at least once if not a couple times a week if you’re in your twenties. The problem will always be ‘Who the hell did you bang while you weren’t banging me?’ The Bang Replacement. The Meat Substitute. You’ll both (begrudgingly) laugh at each others and wonder how you both could be so foolish. A Ginger? Bahahahaha. An Asian Burlesque Dancer/Food Truck Owner? Bahahahaha.


It gets dicey when you actually have to see that Bang Replacement. For example, if they were a Bouncer at a club that you would frequent or a Barista or, who knows (it’s weird how Bang Replacements always seem to have a highly visible job). There’s that awkward moment when all three of you will occupy the same space. The Bang Replacement and the Bang Transgressor will almost always act casual like it’s not big deal. But the one on the outside looking in is going to stare deep into their soul and threaten their very existence with their eyes and any body part they can get their hands on. If tits or a pair of nuts could knock someone out they would in that moment. Don’t you evvverrrrrr think about banging what I bang everrrrr again THWOP Yeah! That’s my nuts in your face pal! THWOP THWOP More nuts! More face! THWOP


Well, at least that’s what's playing in your head. What actually happens is you hold out your wrist and they wrap a drink bracelet around you and you walk on in.


That’s what I felt like when I picked up this White Knight issue. After the Red Hood White Knight Two Issue Debacle by the Clay dude it was clear that the White Knight had a really awful Bang Replacement. It devolved into WB Afternoon kooky kiddie fare. A new Asian Robin Chick was introduced and it got all ‘Ooh you can do it, be all you can be’. Hurl. So I was a bit trepidatious in picking up this amazing run by Sean Murphy. Every page I was peeking around the corner waiting to have that awkward Bang moment. Yup there it is, there is the remnant of that really awful choice.


Thank goodness it barely happened. I got one, maybe two panels of the The Crimson Hoodie and that was it. The rest was classic White Knight Batman happy joy joy from the infinite goodness that springs from the bad ass mind of Sean Murphy. More Joker in the head. A Psyche switch! Now Joker is Batman doing Batman things with Batman looking on from his own head. Now Joker is proposing his love to Harley which is really Bats love, it’s all love, I love it! The great thing about Murphy is his uncanny ability to throw a twist at you at a moment’s notice. I don’t know of any other writer out there now that is so deftly dropping turn on a dime plot twist/character developments. It is a masterclass in story telling and I can’t wait for what I think is the finale next issue? Is it? Comes out this week. Woo hoo!


White Knight has been the best Batman story running for a couple years now. For the love of all that is good and holy in comicbookville don’t end this thing! I get it, it may have reached its organic conclusion by next issue but I’m going to miss the whole alternate universe despite its Bang Replacement. A universe as bountiful and majestically created such as this one can endure a bang replacement. Well maybe not, hold on, THWOP THWOP THWOP. Okay, now it can.


Rating: 9.2

Verdict: Pull

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