Wednesday, October 12, 2022



Do you believe in past lives? I do. I’ve experienced them, felt them, seen pictures of them in my mind. The great thing about past lives, if you believe in them, is that eventually the life you’re living now is going to be one of your past lives. I see myself as a nine foot tall indigo avianesque being in my next life with lavender stripes that are suspended millimeters over my smooth supple skin. I’ll be in the future’s version of a therapy session and I’ll be seeing images of this scrawny big eyed Prince looking dude running haphazardly into a gay club after a bi curious Asian girl he met on a thing called an app and crying out of my hands and feet as I process and release my trauma.


Thankfully the future wont have any pull-lists. Comics will materialize in your hands and get sent through a wormhole when you’re done with them so they can be bagged and boarded in an alternate dimension and deposited in your holographic storage boxes; what a great thing to look forward to after your therapy session.


Love Everlasting seems to be operating in the world of past lives and multi-dimensional experiences so I am ALL in on this run. The first issue was a triumph and the second is as well. While the first hopped around several romantic interludes centered around the main character Joan Peterson this one sticks around in the 1920s for the entirety of the issue. It’s your basic ‘two kids fall in love but one is a rich one and the other a poor one’. In LA it would be ‘two actors fall in love, one has representation one does not’ that one neverrr works out. The inevitable pillow talk of


‘so can you get me in to see…’


‘oh my God you’re just fucking me for my rep!’


has doomed thousands of relationships out here. King masterfully (where the hell was this on Bat/Cat Tom??) weaves his tale of a love doomed by class and then twists it up so shockingly at the end that you’ll find yourself flipping back a few pages and re-reading it over and over to make sure you read it right.


I’m not clear what’s what yet but it’s been so perfectly set up by Tom King and so magnificently drawn by Elsa Charretier that I’m chomping at the metaphysical interstellar bit for the next issue.


I once had a past life in Egypt where I was like a Jug Boy or some teenager who had to fetch the water for one of the Queens. We ended up falling love and she dumped me in the Nile when it got out she was cavorting with a servant dude. I don’t know how that’s manifested in all my lives since but I can tell you that in this one, despite being an actor, I vowed at an early age to never ever be a waiter or wait on a table as long as I lived. So if you’re a cutie and you ask me for a bottle of water at a club and I blurt out ‘Get it yourself Cleo-fuckin-Patra’ and then storm off I hope you’ll find it in your heart to forgive me and to not post it on your socials.


Get this comic people, support the Romance genre!


Rating: 9.5

Verdict: Pull

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