Tuesday, August 9, 2022



I don’t read Superman stuff, never did. Just not my cup of tea, no particular reason. But I dunno, I saw the preview of this, saw the creative team and something in me said: Get it. There was an air about it that felt like it was going to be special. And I dunno, I enjoyed it, dunno why necessarily. The word of the day is: Dunno! It wasn’t mind blowing. I don’t have super duper references from previous Supe comics so I’m not sure if the whole JFK thing is new or if it’s been done. Whatever the case may be it was interesting and lent itself to the gravitas of the story. We get a lot of ‘origin story’ here which at this point in popular culture is like retelling the story of Moses; everybody pretty much knows the basic plot points. I mean I don’t know what to say other than I enjoyed it. The art was fantastic. I felt like I was taking in panels that you would see in a comic book art museum. Although, sometimes the faces of the characters melted into one another; they were a bit too symmetrical. Sometimes Bruce Wayne looked like Clark Kent who looked like Lex Luthor who looked like Lois Lane seeing her article printed in the wrong font.


Was it worth ten bucks? Probably not. It was an enjoyable ‘end of the world’ story which for whatever reason felt important enough to pick up. The writing was exceptional and there were a lot of powerful inspirational lines that will stay with you after you read the book. I think that I’ll stick around for the second installment; not 100% sure. We’ll see what my pull looks like the week Book 2 comes out.


Rating: 8.0

Verdict: Pull Pending



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