Tuesday, August 9, 2022

BATMAN #125 (2022) Review


There are so many Bat Books out there that I have no idea who Batman is anymore. They all melt him into one mush of a character mock-up. I’m a huuuuuge Batman fan but my comic book relationship with him is complicated. He’s morphed into multiple dimensional entities with stories that exist on so many timelines you might need an employee from CERN to open up a wormhole to get you back to your apartment in one piece. In general, I’ve stayed away from the main Batman titles: Batman & Detective Comics. Not because I’ve wanted but because they’ve been average at best for the past several years.


When the New 52 launched and Synder and Capullo started their mind blowing run of the Bat Century it was the best of times to read Batman. To this day I consider ‘Court of Owls’ to be one of the greatest story lines in Batman history. I’m actually shocked they never turned it into a movie (hint hint). Unfortunately, as is usually the case with genius, a non-genius (in this case DC) will step in and muck things up which is what happened at the final few issues of that legendary run. Since then it’s been a whole lot of mnyeh, nothing special. I’ve dipped in and out over the years to see how things are going and I’ve always taken my tootsies out of the Batman pool.


Well now Meta Human Writer God Chip Zdarsky is on the book. Will we get a XXX Cover of cartoonish Bats banging the cosplay Cat a la Sex Criminals? We can only dream. Obviously the anticipation of Zdarsky’s run was great and even I had to dip my tootems back in the Bat Pool to see if Snyder was going to get a run for his money. The answer? Nope.


Really? Penguin’s killing rich people. Penguin’s framing the Bat. Robin has a boo boo. There’s Casino drama. The Batcave once again has been infiltrated by a new robotic villain blah blah. If I had a Bat Cave that was non operational I would still booby trap the hell out of it: bear traps, stink bombs, you name it. Hell if the ancient Mayans can have 500 year old darts firing at you from all angles in movies like Raiders of the Lost Ark you’re telling me Batman can’t protect the cave with a little Bat Sinkhole?


Failsafe? Nah, just Fail will do. Look, there’s way too many Bat Books out there to be average. I’ve already got three other Bat titles on my plate. This one is burnt asparagus at best. I’ll stick to DC’s Black Label, which has been beyond amazing, and leave their titular series and their four hundred and thirty three variant covers alone.



Rating: 6.2

Verdict: Drop

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