I’ve ranted and raved on here before about my disdain for the whole variant cover mishegas. For the Non-Yids out there mishegas means craziness, use it! I’d like to see GenZ use mishegas more ‘Yo, this chick had mad rizz but all this other mishegas comes with it’. Variants started out innocently enough, ‘Hey, we printed a couple more covers for this milestone issue cuz it’s a big deal’. Now it’s morphed into a dozen covers for every issue with built in scarcity to artificially inflate prices and to boost sales; sales that have nothing to do with the story per se but everything to do with the cover. It’s gotten way out of hand.
It’s even been documented by podcasters and comic book pundits how publishers are more focused on the variant cover market than they are the actual stories that live inside of the covers; you know, the reason one should pick up a comic in the first place. As the variants have mutated and suffocated the industry the quality of books has plummeted, especially those by the Big Poo. Also, as a collector, I find it ridiculous that a Variant cover that comes out tomorrow with artificial scarcity can cost $100 while a comic from 40 years ago only cost $3.
I actually paid up for a Variant Cover for the first time in ages this past week. It was for a David Mack Variant for the new Jeff Lemire series ‘Minor Arcana’ which I’m excited about. I’m a huge fan of Mack’s work and love his cover art. For whatever reason his cover was a 1:50. It didn’t have to be. There was a Tula Lotay cover which was just as nice that was regular price. So why the 1:50? There is no why, it’s just some random BS that a publisher will do to inflate sales and interest. And now, we’re hearing from a great Artist on how they’re not even being compensated properly on the usage of their covers. Read what Jen Bartel has to say about the variant cover market here:
While this may be standard operating procedure for corporate entities it still is gross. The whole model of art and commerce needs to change. Across all industries and throughout all time we see the basic construct of someone or some business paying an artist for something and them making money off of it in perpetuity without ever paying the artist more than what they were initially paid. When Actors were striking and begging these corporate dillweeds to come to the table and negotiate with them I was sitting there saying ‘Why are you negotiating with Satan. They don’t value us and see us as replaceable. If there ever was a time to unite and create out own platform away from their corporate clutches it is now. All corporate entities have is reach and logistics, that’s it. They don’t have imagination, they don’t have beauty, all they have is the ability to reach more people so they can sell more of what you have. Until artists find a way to supplant the reach and logistics of these entities they will always be exploited in some fashion.
Anyway, I love my David Mack Variant! Here’s what I got into this month...
Kindt’s appearance in this reminded me of Eddie Murphy’s appearance in ‘Best Defense’ back in the 80s when he was a huge star during his SNL Beverly Hills Cops. It was a cameo in a Dudley Moore war movie and the studio hyped it up like it was another Eddie Murphy hit. I had my Dad take me to go see it since it was rated R and it was an enormous dud. He was in it for like 5 minutes and did close to nothing. Actually, I don’t think this is an apt comparison to Kindt’s appearance in this comic but it made me think of that movie, which isn’t a good thing. After Kindt’s recent debacles and descent into his Hollywood Cool Guy life he can suck it along with any future anthology comics I come across. 3.0
Lord, grant me the serenity to accept that Monstress will never end, the courage to keep plopping down my $4 for every issue and the wisdom to know that an author who is a deranged lunatic doesn't care about story arcs.
That's all I got! Happy Reading Geek-a-roonies!