Friday, July 26, 2024

WHITE BOAT #1 - Review

 White Boat #1 


Oy, another trio of Snyder comics. Does Scott Snyder know how to write series anymore that last more than 3 issues? I think the way the whole Batman comic ended still has him traumatized. I see him shaking naked on a leather couch mumbling ‘Mr Bloom Mr Bloom Mr Bloom’ as a therapist rolls his eyes and doodles on a notepad. 





Snyder is teaming up again with Francesco Francavilla, the artist who loves to put his initials on all of his drawings like some deranged graffiti artist from the 70s. Seriously, I don’t get it, how is it okay to put your insignia on pages that are inside of the book??? The cover, I get, but the inside pages? Are you that fucking insecure that you have to validate your work over and over. Is that what artists from Italy do these days? They just wander around the streets scribbling their insignia on everyone and everything. Like does he have to take his dates from behind so he can scribble on their ass?


Look he does it again right here:


What a psychopath. Look, I think he’s a fantastic artist, his work is gorgeous, but my goodness this annoys me. All the solicits are ringing the bell about the fact that these two worked on the Night of the Ghoul which was a middling mnyeh bouillabaisse of nothing special. But, this is DSTLRY and they have been absolutely destroying the comic book world with their releases. Thing is, they’re only doing 3 issue Prestige Formats with Superstar Creators. That’s all well and good but at some point you’re going to have to drop an ongoing series that lasts a year or so. Then we’ll see if you really got the goods. Right now you’re a ‘3 Date Dinner Date Babe that Goes Bye Bye’, a chick who shows up for your appetizers and main course but never gives you your just desserts.


As I’ve said before, 3 issue Prestige drops are a landmine for a comic book geek. As long as the 1st issue is somewhat serviceable and enjoyable you’ll more than likely pony up for the second book. The second book is where they get you because no matter whether it sucks scraggy balls or is the best thing since ‘The Dark Knight Returns’ you’ll feel stupid if you just drop the book before grabbing the final issue. Why? Because you’ve already dropped close to $20 on two comics so you might as well find out how it ends and finish the story; do you ever leave or stop watching a 3 hour movie at the 2 hour mark? It’s genius marketing. 




Genius GIFs |



It’s like going out on a few dates with a babe who looks amazing but is throwing red flags at you left and right: high pitched cackle, hints about doing lots of benders, talks about switch blades a bit too much. But she laughs at all your jokes and even though she bawled in the tiramisu on your second date because it reminded her of a professor who took her virginity and ruined her mind in college for some reason, you think she has ‘potential’ for being a good egg. Of course date 3 is when she shows up blitzed out of her mind and tackles the burlesque dancers on stage at the show you took her to and then takes off with your car to Albuquerque to do drugs with the guy who tattooed a noose on the inside of both of her ears.




Drunk Hot Mess GIF by Loryn Powell



As for this book, it’s aight, pronounced ahh-ight. Some dude’s brother dies on a boat as a kid and he stays in the boat town being a drunk unmotivated putz until he’s invited to a fancy expensive AF boat where all the secrets of his life resides. I think Scott Snyder must have read ‘The Lion, Witch & The Wardrobe’ a million times when he was a kid because a lot of his stories involve the expansion of a small space into an enormous space. He did it for the Ghoul and Wytches books where an aperture expands into this oversized underground labyrinth. Here it’s something similar where a hatch on the floor of the boat opens up into an extensive museum that feels like it’s 10 times the size of the actual boat. I don’t know how you justify that. I can see it being on land, like, oh, we dug this hole for centuries and created a new world or I dunno, used one of those machines that they use to make underground cities all over the world in no time. But on the sea? What is this, an iceberg boat where it’s actually in the shape of a gigantic iceberg but you only see the top which looks like a yacht? I call BS.



Also, there’s a huge ‘Don’t go in there!’ movie theater moment. You know what I’m talking about? When you’re at a cheap movie theater where the audience is a little more raucous and you have patrons yelling at the movie screen? This happens the most in horror flicks where dumbass characters are continually berated by the audience to not go into dark empty houses, to open doors that obviously go nowhere good. This happens here when the guy showing our lead around, a guy who looks like Lurch from the Addams Family on Meth, opens up the hatch for him to explore. There’s a ladder that descends into the dark and he’s told to go down by himself and check things out. C’mon Scottie Sny Sny, I would’ve respected this a bit more if he was shoved down there but for him to just be the goofus doofus du jour and willingly descend into this chaos, I call BS. Of course the lead is now stuck there for weeks or days or who the fuck knows.




 YARN | Don't go in there! | Scary Movie (2000) | Video gifs ...



Man, the more I write about this book the more annoyed I get. DSTLRY has a decent book here but if you asked me would I rather drop $30 for Tynion and Ward’s ‘Spectregraph’ book which is also in the middle of their 3 issue run or this one I’d say ‘Spectregraph’ in a second; that first issue was phe-fucking-nomenal. Yes, I’m intrigued by this premise of Lurch on a Boat that's as big as Atlantis, I can look beyond the shortcomings of the plot and Franco’s tramp stamp on all of the art but it’s no slam dunkeroo.



Can we just do a solid for Scott and find a way to get him back the main Batman title. I think he’s made for Batman. Dude should write that shit all day every day. Ever since his Mr Bloom story line in Bats ended unceremoniously where DC appeared to fuck with his exit from the title he hasn’t been the same since. I mean, he’s a great writer so he’s gonna pop out some dope shit regardless of whether the premise is on point or not. Barnstormers was one of my favorite titles of 2023. Yet it seems his career since then has been one ‘Andre 3000 Playing the Flute’ moment one after the other. I mean, we LOVE Andre and the flute and, yeah, it’s, umm, it’s pretty and umm, enjoyable. Ok, fuck it, Andre get your Hey Yaaa back on and Scott get your Bats Yaaaa back on and let the Putz, the Boat and the Meth Lurch be your flute experiment.


VERDICT: Mmm, nah I'm good, saving $18, drop.

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