Sunday, April 30, 2023

April '23 Reading Round Up


Another mixed bag in Comic Book land this month. Scott Snyder’s first of the three issues series called Clear was a much needed breath of fresh air, especially

after not faring well whatsoever in his previous two 3 issue drops. The more I think back on it the more I’m getting excited for #2 so puhhleease be just as amazing. As mentioned in my rant in Spy Superb’s finale in their 3rd issue, these pricey 3 issue are more than often a huge letdown.


Avengers War Across Time
is a blast. There really is nothing wrong whatsoever with this book it’s pure retro goodness. I mean, you’ve got this formula, it works to a tee. It’s fun, it’s heroic, it’s a comic book. Like, I get it, nobody wants to do their debut acoustic album all over again now that they’re onto symphonic drum and bass with a hint of bluegrass. But, jeez, like, I dunno, keep putting out the formula and add the new flavors. There was a poignant point made in the letters column at the back of the book by a reader named Paul Carbonnaro who I assume also noshes at Canters the same time Paul Levitz does. He goes on to say:


“There are a number of things that made the Silver and Bronze Ages great reading fun, and they include splash pages, narrative intrusion and the dramatic irony of thought balloons = the latter for just that, as opposed to exposition. Frankly, I simply cannot understand why modern comic books don’t use these elements. These are comic books after all, and not storyboards for TV Shows.”


Amen Paul! This is exactly what I’ve been saying. Just bake a comic book for us, please? We don’t need your pitchdeck for your pipe dream HBO Max show, just deliver a great story meant for a comic book and let the chips fall where they may as far as it becoming something else.


Black Cloak
is turning into a fine murder mystery and the magical city she’s created is evolving at a really lovely engaging gallop. There’s nothing super spectacular about this series but when you have a writer who understands structure, pacing and effective world building it immediately sets it apart from the common drivel that is the comic book universe these days. After a perfect set up at the end of this issue I’m really looking forward to the next installment.


Finally, Groo: Gods Against Groo wrapped up its 4 issue drop and, I mean, you just can’t go wrong with Groo. I really wish Dark Horse would just give Sergio an ongoing series at this point and forgo all these 4 issue mini series but maybe that’s the way Sergio likes it. Whatever the case may be somebody needs to start making the Groo movie already. Yes, after dropping pure amazingness for 40 frikkin’ years there ain’t nothing wrong with giving this IP it’s cinematic due.


Here’s what got the full on ‘Review’ treatment of the past month:


Monstress #44 


Dead Romans #1 


Spy Superb #3 


Superman: Space Age #3 


Clear #1 


The Ambassadors #1 


That's it everyone! Lastly I hate to admit it but damn that new 'Flash' movie looks amazing. And Keaton back as Bats? Whaaaaat? Dammit. Dammit please be good. Dammit DC make a frikkin' genius movie already! Marvisney's crapping the bed. There's a void. Fill it! 

Happy Reading :)

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