Friday, November 11, 2022



Miracleman! It’s a miracle that Alan Moore hasn’t trudged over half naked to Marvel’s offices and broken down the door with a sledgehammer demanding that all work on Miracleman cease immediately. Maybe he could track down Neil Gaiman half naked with a scythe and slash at the sanctimonious putz that he’s become in the past several months especially when it came to his Sand Dude show. For the record I have almost four pages of a review for ‘The Sandman’ show but couldn’t make my way past the halfway point, it was mind numbingly bad.


Basically what I’m asking for is for Alan Moore to begin terrorizing the comic book community. The thing that fell out of the sky in the new LOTR show looks a bit like Alan Moore. I wish that thing would tromp through every editorial office and shrill until all the mealy mouthed editors in the industry sleeked off into the Netherlands.


Alan Moore is the Shakespeare of the Comic Book Universe. You’re not going to improve upon anything that he’s done. It’s not possible. The Miracleman run of the 80s is one of the most mind blowing WTF are you kidding me wow comic book events of the century. It is the gold standard of alt-hero books and probably influenced every brilliant comic book creator of the past forty years. Gaiman’s run is nothing to sneeze at. If there was anybody who could take the reins for the book it could only be him and he did a bang up job so even with the threat of Alan Moore rattling my door I had to pick up the continuation of this series. Thing is, I’d forgotten most of it and there was no way I was going to a. dig through dozens of comic book boxes to find the older issues or b. pony up a sizable chunk of change to read the omni-mega-gargantuan-colossus-bus that they just popped out into stores.


First of all, I have to rip Marvel a new one for their #0 issue that preceded this one. I thought it would be somewhat of recap/refresh of the series to get me up to speed; it was nothing of the sort. It was one of those ‘Hey we’re gonna get a bunch of writers and artists together to write and draw a bunch of stuff about the character/story! None of it will be amazing. None of it will satisfy you. Thanks for the 5 Bux!’ Can we please have a moratorium on these writer/artist comic festivals where everyone contributes something? Comic books aren’t ‘We are the World’ songs. They’re not a short film festival. You put a dozen or so different writer/artist styles in book it just becomes a mish-mash where nobody is given enough time and nothing is memorable. Stop with the Comicbook Gang Bangs!


Anyway, this comic. Kid Miracleman wakes up in the Miracleman Parthenon of Miracle People and is retold his true story. That’s basically it. We get a bunch of Miracle kids which I assume are the offspring of Miracle’s nuts. Gaiman has to get the word ‘Diversity’ popped in by a character. I wonder if he goes to the coffee shop and says ‘Do you have a diverse flavor profile for your lattes?’ When he’s giving head does he go ‘There are a diverse amount of ways I could search for your nubby nub’ Does he look in the toilet and marvel at his diverse poop shapes?


Buckingham’s art is wonderful. Bellaire’s words are perfect. Despite any gripes I may have with the history of this book there’s no way I’m not inhaling every panel that gets put out there. Let’s hope Neil has a tremendous path he intends to take with the conclusion of this story otherwise I’ll have to find a diverse amount of adjectives to rip him a new one too.


Rating: 8.4

Verdict: Pull

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