Tuesday, August 16, 2022

MONSTRESS #41 - Review


I’ve been down for the Monstress since issue uno which is saying something since we’re up to 41 now. That’s quite a feat in today’s comic book landscape, most books don’t make it past 6 these days. It’s a herculean feat if you get it to the 20s and goodness gracious what’s a hundredth issue actually look like? I feel like the comic book industry has mimicked the world of baseball. You’re not gonna see Starting Pitchers pitch 300 innings anymore, pitchers barely make it into the 6th inning; that’s comic books 2022. Every issue is a BIG PREMIERE ISSUE!!! With 4 dozen variant covers. There’s even a cover that has nothing on it! You can make the cover yourself! Get your crayons out! There are also virgin covers with just the art with no titles or dollar amount that’ll cost you your rent check, I’ll pass. I’d rather opt for the ‘Only a couple of boyfriends, no butt stuff yet’ cover.


I say all this because getting to forty plus issues is no small accomplishment and that’s what Monstress has been able to do. Yet along the way I would say there’s been issues where I’ve said ‘okay wrap this puppy up already’ There’s definitely been a lull in the late 20s and 30s for this series. All the vim and vigor of the teens and early twenties has worn off and its kinda devolved into a meandering muffin top war series with anthropomorphic dolphins, tigers, wolves and flying cats with six tails. It’s even harder to keep up when you have lulls in the publishing. Hell, even with a month gone by you have to read the previous issue to remember what the hell is going on: 


So the dusk dawn human army is now aligning with the half human wacky evening army but the magic afternoon elven God army of the late night sunrise consortium is now mind controlling all of the remaining cats to become assassins of the crack of dawn early morning court of the chicharrones...I think? Every issue has posturing, sneers, leers and long diatribes of half human/animals backstabbing and plotting against each other. Luckily we get some sex here and there.


I feel like at this point the final panels of an issue are either:


“Ah Ha! Look who’s back! You thought I was dead!”


or either


“I’m pissed and you’re about to get your ass handed to you”


This issue ended with the latter and apparently I have to wait another 5-6 months for the next issue because the creators are having another hiatus. This comic is like a chick on a dating app who never gives you their actual number and who sees you every three or four months. You get some tongue, promises of a weekend alone, some dry humping and then she’s gone. But she’s gorgeous so you put up with it. That’s this comic.


Through it all the best character of this series has always been the lead: Maika the Halfwolf and her relationship to the Ancient God within her. That and the feisty little anime girly fox has kept this series afloat. I honestly don’t know who the hell is any more I just want Maika to kick all of their asses. A recent issue saw a large snake swallow a naked unconscious Maika whole to learn more about her powers only to spit her out when it was done. Apparently the new 87,000 IRS Agents are being trained for this procedure.


Look, I love the series despite it’s maddening descent into utter confusion. I highly recommend picking up the first couple of trades if you haven’t read it yet. Maybe that’s the way to go, reading the trades instead of being dropped every six months by the creators like a pricy yoga class subscription. The art is transcendent and unlike anything out there; a veritable feast for the eyes. When it finally comes to its conclusion (which may not be until 2030 and issue 60) I’m going to miss pulling this series. But seriously? Wrap this puppy up already.



VERDICT: Pull, whenever the hell that may be.

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